Thursday, 22 December 2011

Can cockroach save your life?

Could cockroach save your life one day. Yes, according to a team of researchers at the University of Nottingham in the UK. Powerful antibiotic properties in the brains of cockroaches and locusts are able to kill more than 90 percent of bacteria- intruders that are often deadly to humans, including methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) and pathogenic Escherichia coli- without harming human cells.
These findings, which were presented at the September 2010 meeting of the Society for General Microbiology in Nottingham, could lead to novel treatments for multi-drug-resistant bacterial infections.
Note: It is available to the public in five to ten years.

Wednesday, 21 December 2011

Wrist band that monitor your health

USA based company Jawbone has developed a wristband that keep track of wearer's health. This accessory, called the Up Wristband tracks the user's eating habits, sleep and exercise, working in sync with an application in the user's smartphone. The machine monitors everything the wearer does, ranging from prompting to get up and move if he/she has been sitting still for a long time to recording everything he/she eats. The wristband is durable, water resistant and unobtrusive, and can be worn with any type of dress. Inside it is a motion sensor which records things like steps, calories burned, distance covered, and active versus inactive time. Funnily enough, the machine even nags the user for sitting inactive for too long. The motion sensor even tracks one while sleeping-tracking one's movement to gauge when one falls asleep, how long one sleeps, and how much deep sleep one is getting. The smartphone application then prompts one to take a photo of every meal, and tracks where, when and what one has eaten. A "Feed" screen then offers up-to-date information about how one is doing in respect of health. USA based company Jawbone has developed a wristband that keep track of wearer's health.

Tuesday, 20 December 2011

How to handle Menopausal

Age of Menopause always relate to your mom's age of menopause. It also has some relation with reserve of eggs in the ovary. Only 1% of women will reach menopause at the age of 40. Around 90% of women reach menopause at the age of 55. Lot of women wondering whether they have gone through menopause or not. Here are some of symptoms to find it: hot flashes,night sweats, irregular periods, loss of libido, mood swings, vaginal dryness, and sleep problem. Above are most common symptoms, but few experienced symptoms like ""brain fog" and some experience allergies. You may also experience some of your body changes like change in body odor, fatigue, thinning of hair or hair loss or increase in facial hair, mental confusion(difficulty in concentrating, disorientation), Head ache, dizziness, weight gain, breast pain, burning tongue, burning roof of mouth, digestive problem, gum problems(increased bleeding), anxiety, depression and memory loss. It is a difficult period for women to pass through. There are ways to handle this with effectiveness. I have read several articles to handle menopause. I am sharing some of them with you: Well balanced diet:Eat fruits, vegetables, and whole grain which is rich in vitamin C and carotene, dont add flavor in food. Well balanced food will help you get necessary proteins and vitamins in right proportion. Choose food with low fat, saturated fat, and cholesterol. Avoid food and drinks containing processed sugar Control your weight:A well balanced diet can help you in this. Some herbal treatment:Agnus Castus(Vitex or chaseberry) helps in dealing with hot flashes.Wild yam root, black cohosh also reduces hot flashes. Regular check up: Get regular check ups and continue the prescribed vitamin supplement. Avoid drinks: It is believed that coffee trigger hot flashes. Some says that cutting caffeine, flours and refined sugars makes huge difference in menopausal symptoms. Exercise: Exercise can help you a lot. Exercise such as walking, dancing, hop in pool, Yoga, Tai chi will help you release tension in your muscles and helps in flexibility of your muscles.

Balanced Diet

For adequate maintenance of good health, it is necessary to supply all the nutrients in the proper amounts and proportions in our diet. Experts have suggested the composition of a typical balanced diet for an adult as follows:
Pulses and Nuts85gm
Leafy vegetables114gm
Ohter vegetables85gm
Root vegetables85gm
Milk and milk products284gm
Flesh foods127gm
Sugar and jaggery57gm
Oil and fats57gm

The approximate nutritive value of this diet is 3,000 calories. It contains about 90gm proteins, 90gm fats, 450gm carbohydrates in ratio 1:1:5 and adequate quantities of vitamins and minerals


Whenever an individual is out of the ecological or natural balance, he is ill and unhappy, this condition is termed as disease. On many occasion; the change in the stability of the balance is minimal and the available means of noting the change or the means of diagnosis are inadequate to label illhealth as a particular disease. Specific diseases are generally diagnosed only when they produce significant changes in the internal environment of man leading to some symptoms like pain, fever, weakness, etc. In such cases, deviation from health is very wide and the physical, mental, economic and social effects brought about by the disease, have already made deep impressions on the affected individual and his family. However, it is interesting to note that in many cases, the changes brought about by the disease process are not big enough to produce symptoms. Naturally such a state of sub-clinical or minimal disease cannot be easily diagnosed. With the modern advances of medical sciences, especially in the field of preventive medicine, more and more diseases can now be diagnosed as a deviation from health long before the disease has produced any noticeable effects on the person.

The concept of health and disease

Health is one of the fundamental human rights. The international organizations like the United Nations and the World Health Organization have endorsed this principle.
Unfortunately, health cannot be given or distributed , but has to be actively acquired and won. In order to know the ways of preserving and promoting health and preventing and conquering disease, it is necessary to understand the fundaments of health and disease. It is only with such understanding that one would be able to take proper measures and care necessary to build up health. Main intention of this blog is to provide maximum assistance to enable all our readers to prevent disease, promote health and live in a happy and efficient society.